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Sell yourself well, regardless of interview dynamics



Go to every interview with the intention of getting the offer. If you decide you don’t want the job, you can turn an offer down. But you are not in control of the process if you don’t attract an offer. Interviewing without a confident attitude is a waste of your time.

Tell two-minute stories that give examples of your strengths. People tend to talk in broad terms, for example “I’m a quick learner”, “I handle stress well”, “I’m an excellent manager”. If you tell compelling stories, you are much more likely to be remembered, and hired. If you have a variety of examples prepared, you can insert them into the conversation where needed, even if someone asks a very broad question like “what are your biggest strengths”. Just make sure your stories last two minutes, not ten.

The best interviews are interactive. You’re not just there to answer questions, but also to ask them. Ask intelligent questions about the company’s credit box, market position, corporate culture, performance during the pandemic, and other areas that might not be commonly known. Ask the interviewer about their background – most people like to talk about themselves at least a little bit. Whenever you’re the one speaking, pause occasionally so the interviewer can jump in without interrupting you. Do NOT interrupt your interviewer.

Be prepared. Research the bank, the job, and the hiring manager(s) before you get there. Understand their requirements so you know exactly how to address them. Make sure you have the correct address, parking details, and direct dial of the person you are meeting with. If you are not prepared for an interview, or if you’re sick, it is better to reschedule.

Be gracious. Be appreciative of people’s time. Most people you meet do not interview for a living, so they might be under stress, distracted, or nervous. It has nothing to do with you, so don’t personalize it. ALWAYS be nice to the administrative staff. Be sure to get the email address of anyone that you speak with, and send a thank you note 24 hours after the interview. Follow up, but do not become a stalker.

Be a good listener. Listening is a key part of the job, and they are going to be evaluating your ability to listen to customers, colleagues, and managers. This goes a long way to displaying your culture fit. Demonstrate good judgement with both your listening and questioning skills.

Be aware of body language. Watch your hands, and hold them in your lap if you tend to fidget. Look people in the eye. Sit up straight – I would not say this if I didn’t see people slouch so often. Pay attention to your interviewer’s body language as well. If they look interested OR bored, you can adjust your answers accordingly. Body language is often your best indicator of success or failure in an interview.


If you are interviewing via telephone, conduct the interview standing. People speak more clearly and with greater energy while standing, than while sitting. Move around a little, but don't get winded or move somewhere with weak cell signal or background noise.

Ask for feedback. When the interview is drawing to a close, tell them you are interested and ask what the next steps are. Ask if they have any concerns based on the conversation so far. Many times, if asked, the

interviewer will tell you their concerns on the spot. It gives you the chance

to address them immediately. This can make the difference between a second interview or a ‘thanks but no thanks’.


If you feel like a bond has been achieved during the interview, ask how you compare to the other candidates. Be savvy with this, it can demonstrate your interest, your "closing" mentality, and be a powerful tool. But done wrong, it can come off as coarse or pushy.

What if you blank on a question or stumble on an answer? Well….how’s the rest of the interview going? If it’s not a fit, then don’t worry about it. If you are genuinely interested, take a breath, apologize, and gather yourself. Then glance at your notes and pick a two-minute story that sounds good and hopefully relates to the question.

Call me as soon as you leave the interview. I need to speak with you to get your insights regarding the potential, as well as any highlights or concerns. I need to know this before I debrief with the client and hopefully talk about next steps.

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